January 6, 2017 January 6, 2017Categories BlogsDr. Vice Can Seal Cavities Out | North CarolinaNow that the new year is here, the time has come to pay more attention to your oral health. Preventive dental strategies like brushing your teeth, […]
November 29, 2016 November 29, 2016Categories BlogsGet A Dental Filling That Will Protect Your Teeth & SmileTooth decay may be the most common oral health issue in the United States. More than 90 percent of Americans will have at least one cavity […]
August 1, 2016 August 1, 2016Categories BlogsGet Your Smile Ready To Return To SchoolIt may be hard to believe, but schools will be back in session before you know it. As you are doing your back-to-school shopping, it’s a […]
July 22, 2016 July 22, 2016Categories BlogsA Better Filling For A Great SmileIf you had a car accident five years ago, would you put a sign on top of your car to let everyone know about it? If […]
April 15, 2016 April 15, 2016Categories BlogsDon’t Let A Cavity Change Your SmileYou remember when you got your first cavity. It was decades ago, but it continues to cause you problems. You’ve had amalgam fillings, which have helped […]